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The Trench Method

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The Trench Method Technology wherein a semiconductor chip’s surface is dug out in a trench and cells are arranged in the resulting trench to increase integration. As the semiconductor capacity increased, integrating cells only horizontally on the semiconductor’s surface did not physically allow for more cells, which is how this method came about. There is the stack method, where cells are stacked on top of each other, and there is also the trench method, in which a higher level of integration is achieved by stacking the cells underneath. In the trench method, a trench is dug out on the wafer surface to integrate more cells. It is a safer method, and can minimize the chip size. But compared to the stack method, the process is more complex. It is also not as cost-effective, and it is difficult to locate and solve issues in the product as it is difficult to check the internal circuits.
스택,트렌치 공법
스택,트렌치 공법