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Samsung Austin Semiconductor installs waystations to help increase monarch butterfly population

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Samsung Austin Semiconductor employees helping plant milkweed seeds. AUSTIN - As the spring season approaches Central Texas, monarch butterflies will soon make the trek over our region before going further north to Canada. To help the butterflies make it to their destination, Samsung Austin Semiconductor recently installed a monarch butterfly waystation to provide food and habitat during their migration. According to the Texas A&M Agrilife , the monarch butterfly population has been in steady decline and is currently on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature's (IUCN) Red List of threatened species. Samsung Austin Semiconductor worked with a sustainability consulting firm to make two areas around our northeast Austin campus available for waystation planting. One waystation is located just south of our campus and the second is located near the Harris Branch neighborhood. In November 2022, the pollinator habitats were mowed, prepped and milkweed seeds were planted. Employees volunteered to help hand plant the pollinator garden. William Davis, a water engineer on our Environmental, Health and Safety team, was in charge of working with the consultants to implement the waystations as part of our environmental and sustainability efforts after an industrial wastewater release in early 2022. "Having a waystation gives this endangered species of butterflies an area to feed, rest and reproduce," Davis said. "I am hoping to see an increase of monarch butterflies in the area. That means the waystation is being used and that Samsung Austin Semiconductor is helping to prevent the extinction of the species as well as increasing the amount of pollinators." The milkweed seeds are expected to sprout in early spring, just in time for the species' annual migration. Both waystation sites are certified and registered as official monarch waystations. As of January 2023, there are nearly 42,000 monarch waystation habitats registered with Monarch Watch.
Kiosk located in Speyside neighborhood east of Samsung Austin Semiconductor's campus. Samsung Austin Semiconductor also installed a kiosk along the Speyside neighborhood trail to educate residents about the habitat in Harris Branch watershed. The sign has information about urban streams and how everyone can help protect small streams. Individuals who are interested in helping increase the monarch population are urged to plant flowers that attract monarchs as they pass through on their migration.