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Ingot A silicon column created by melting silicon at a high temperature. Most wafers are made of silicon extracted from sand. Silicon is the principal component of sand. To be used as a raw material for semiconductors, the silicon in sand needs to be purified. Thus, techniques to grow silicon crystals such as the Czochralski method are used. Silicon is melted with high heat to create a highly pure silicon solution, and then cooled into round monocrystalline rods. This monocrystalline rod is called an ‘ingot’. A diamond saw is used to cut an ingot into wafers of uniform thickness.
잉곳 - 고온에서 녹인 실리콘으로 만든 실리콘 기둥
잉곳 - 고온에서 녹인 실리콘으로 만든 실리콘 기둥