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Data processing speed and efficiency

The SmartSSD computational storage drive leverages self-processing technology to reduce CPU utilization and data transfer bottlenecks. With a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) in the drive, the SmartSSD drive increases data processing speeds and efficiency by enabling high-speed computing near the site of the data. As a result, the SmartSSD processes high volumes of data while efficiently reducing power consumption and decreasing costly data movement between the CPU, GPU, RAM, and SSD.

An image of showing data flow inside SmartSSD. The use of FPGA shows improved data processing capabilities between CPU, controller, and V-NAND.

Applicable to
a variety of applications

The FPGA in the SmartSSD gives software engineers the power to program, including PostgreDB, video transcoding, and compression, using the IP (Intellectual Property) they want. With this, the SmartSSD accelerates a variety of applications including video processing, database management, and artificial intelligence.

An image in which SmartSSD is located against the backdrop of a data center. And an applicable application icon is arranged around the product.
  • Life Sciences
    & Genomics

  • Financial Services

  • Enhance Business

    Data Warehousing

  • Immediate Insights
    from Data Lakes

  • Video

  • Image Recognition
    Object Detection

  • Real-Time
    Log Analytics

  • Speedup Complex
    Ad-hoc Queries

  • Artificial Intelligence
    Machine Learning

Proven performance
with rapid video transcoding

When three SmartSSD drives were deployed in an existing server, with transcoding IP on the FPGA,
the solutions brought about an 87% reduction in CPU utilization and a 20% increase in the number of frame encodings per second.*

An image of a woman transforming a video after a video conference.


Decrease in
the CPU Utilization


Increase in the number
1920*1080p frames
per second

Source from Samsung internal test results. (CTAccel H.264 Encode offload to SmartSSD)

These results may vary depending on the test environment.

Realize optimized
TCO for large
amounts of data

Rapidly increasing data volume is making it harder to process, select, and analyze data in real-time. The SmartSSD processes data locally on the drive, thus reducing data traffic on the network, offloading valuable CPU cores for other tasks, and delivering results faster. This increase in efficiency enables optimized TCO and reduces the need to purchase additional processors or servers. Discover new insights and business opportunities through the self-processing technology of SmartSSD drives.

An image where arrows indicating scalable performance and arrows indicating Lower TCO are located on both sides of SmartSSD.


Lower TCO

* All product specifications reflect internal test results and are subject to variations by the user’s system configuration.
* All product images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product.
* Samsung reserves the right to change product images and specifications at any time without notice.

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