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Samsung Austin Semiconductor welcomes new Hispanic employee resource group

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Hispanic ERG committee members along with executive sponsors and Samsung Austin Semiconductor President Bonyoung Koo (center). In the U.S., the Hispanic population accounts for about 19% of the population, according to U.S. Census data from 2022. In Texas, Hispanics now officially make up the biggest share of the state’s population with 40.2%; at Samsung Austin Semiconductor, 20% of our employees identify as Hispanic. On June 7, Samsung Austin Semiconductor proudly announced its new Hispanic employee resource group (ERG) at a tribute that welcomed its founding and new members, in addition to its executive sponsors. Like other ERGs, the Hispanic ERG strives to foster a sense of community and provide a safe workspace where employees feel appreciated. Damian Ramirez, one of the three executive sponsors of the Hispanic ERG, who has been with the company for 25 years, was excited to be a part of establishing the new ERG. The other executive sponsors, Rafael Lainez and Jason Maas, are equally excited for the creation of the ERG and look forward to supporting it. “The mission of providing community within the Samsung organization for our employees and creating an impact in the Central Texas Hispanic community resonated with me,” Ramirez, director of photo ops, said. “As an executive sponsor, I hope I can support the ERG leadership team build out a great vision they have for the future of the ERG.”
Hispanic ERG chair Mia Gonzalez speaking at the event announcing the new ERG. “Being part of the Hispanic ERG will give me the opportunity to work alongside other employees to strengthen our company's diversity and inclusion,” Hispanic ERG chair and compliance assurance program manager, Mia Gonzalez said. “We are hoping for everyone to gain a sense of belonging and to create a sense of family within Samsung Austin Semiconductor.” The vision of the Hispanic ERG is to not just increase awareness of Hispanic culture and influence at Samsung Austin Semiconductor, but extend past that and make a difference beyond its four walls. Additionally, the ERG will help promote educational programs and provide mentorship and support to school districts to encourage young Hispanic students to study science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). According to a Pew Research report, Hispanic adults make up 17% of the U.S. workforce, but just 8% of those working are in a STEM-related field.
Hispanic ERG committee members from left to right: Adriana Rodriguez, Ana Cervantes, Alicia Morales, Mia Gonzalez, Julia Saenz, Elizabeth Aleman and Adriana Medina. With more than 4,300 employees at Samsung Austin Semiconductor, Ramirez hopes the Hispanic ERG can provide much-needed connections for current and new employees in what can be very large organization. “As Samsung’s presence in Central Texas expands, most recently with the announcement of our new fab in Taylor, the number of people that are part of our organization has grown tremendously,” Ramirez said. “I believe when people work in a supportive environment, we get the best from them.” This year, Gonzalez and other members are excited to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in September in a big way. The Hispanic ERG joins four other ERGs currently established: Black Employee Network, Pride, Military Appreciation Group and Women in Technology at Samsung.