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Samsung Austin Semiconductor participates in Society of Women Engineers conference

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Billed as the largest conference for women in engineering and technology, the Society of Women Engineer's WE22 conference in Houston brought together thousands of attendees and exhibitors. Samsung Austin Semiconductor sent more than a dozen employees to the event both as an exhibitor and as conference attendees. Over the course of two days, we met with hundreds of eager college students looking for internship opportunities as well as established professionals who wanted to learn more about the semiconductor industry. The Recruitment team also conducted more than a dozen on-site interviews with prospective candidates. "I loved the opportunity to connect with hundreds of impressive engineers as a representative for Samsung Austin Semiconductor at our recruiting exhibit booth," Jessica Fehrs, an engineer in our Process Integration and Technology Development, said. "These conversations felt enormously impactful to the curious engineers I spoke to, and they also filled me with a renewed sense of pride I have working for Samsung Austin Semiconductor." While this was Fehrs first time attending the conference, she would highly recommend it to other women engineers. "The conference sessions were deeply inspiring and informational," added Fehrs. Katie Van Strander, chair of our Women in Technology at Samsung employee resource group, spent time talking to booth visitors about the semiconductor manufacturing industry and how engineers play a crucial role at our company. "Samsung Austin Semiconductor gives engineers endless opportunities to take on interesting and challenging projects, so it's a great place to dive in and build an impactful career," Van Strander said. "The employee resource group for women at Samsung Austin Semiconductor has built a community of women and allies who support each other at work and beyond!" Click here to watch video profiles of some of the Samsung Austin Semiconductor employees who attended the conference.