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Samsung Austin Semiconductor hosts mayor of Yongin, South Korea

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Yongin Mayor Lee Sang-il, center, with Samsung Austin Semiconductor executives and staff members. AUSTIN - Samsung Austin Semiconductor welcomed the mayor of Yongin, South Korea at the beginning of 2023. Yongin is a city in the Seoul Capital area that has a population over 1 million. On his recent trip, Mayor Lee Sang-il visited the Samsung Austin Semiconductor campus where he met with our executive team. He also spent a few minutes writing a note in our welcome book. According to The Korea Herald, Sang-il met also met with Austin Mayor Kirk Watson to discuss ways to booster bilateral cooperation, especially within the semiconductor industry. Yongin city officials said the main purpose of the Sang-il's visit to Austin was to meet with city officials and examine the government's policies to support the semiconductor industry. Developing and maintaining partnerships with other agencies is imperative for growth in the semiconductor industry.