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Samsung Semiconductor module VLP RDIMM
Samsung Semiconductor module VLP RDIMM

Proven DRAM module solution in the global market
Proven DRAM module solution in the global market
Proven DRAM module solution in the global market

Samsung’s memory modules are designed for a wide range of applications to deliver the best performance with low power requirements. Samsung’s memory modules are designed for a wide range of applications to deliver the best performance with low power requirements. Samsung’s memory modules are designed for a wide range of applications to deliver the best performance with low power requirements.


  • Dimm TypeDimm Type
  • DensityDensity
    32 GB
  • Rank*OrgRank x Organization
    2R x 4
  • SpeedSpeed
    2400 Mbps
  • VoltageVoltage
    1.2 V
  • No. of PinsNumber of Pins
  • Component CompositionComponent Composition
    (DDP4G x 4) x 18
  • Production StatusProduct Status

* All product specifications reflect internal test results and are subject to variations by the user's system configuration.
* All product images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product.
* Samsung reserves the right to change product images and specifications at any time without notice.