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NOR Flash Memory

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NOR Flash Memory A type of flash memory where cells are arranged horizontally in a semiconductor. Flash memory can be classified based on the electrical circuit alignment within the semiconductor chip. That with a vertical alignment is called NAND flash, while that with a horizontal alignment is called NOR flash. It is easier to increase the storage capacity of NAND flash and is faster in writing data, while NOR flash is better at reading data faster. NOR flash aligns the memory cells horizontally, so it is faster than NAND flash at reading data faster, with a structure that allows for faster data locating. It also provides excellent security for data. However, each cell’s location must be remembered, which is why the circuits are complex. Hence, it is difficult to develop it into mass storage as there is limited space to save data. Furthermore, all data must be written after finding the specific cell’s location, making it slower than NAND flash at writing data.