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HDD (Hard Disk Drive)

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HDD (Hard Disk Drive) A large-capacity data storage device that saves data on round platters coated with magnetic material. A PC can largely be divided into five parts (central processing unit/ computer memory/ auxiliary memory/ input/ output device). For auxiliary memory to store programs and data permanently, a HDD (Hard Disk Drive) and SSD (Solid State Drive) can be used. As PCs became more common, the portable data storage floppy (soft) disks were widely used. But with the invention of hard disks that record data on hard metal disk platters, we came to call the auxiliary magnetic memory with high storage capacity within the PC an HDD. An HDD reads or writes data by rotating platters and pairing heads on them, which alters the magnetic arrangement on the platters’ surfaces. At the center of the platter, there is a spindle motor to rotate it. When this motor’s rotation speed is higher, reading and writing data gets faster.
Samsung HDD (Hard Disk Drive)
Samsung HDD (Hard Disk Drive)