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DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) Offers a large storage capacity and fast speed, and therefore is the RAM used as the main memory for computers. RAM is memory that records data, reads saved data, or allows a user to change the data. There is SRAM, which preserves the data as long as the power is on, and DRAM, on which the data disappears over time. DRAM has volatile memory that deletes the saved data once the power is turned off. The downside to this is that over time, the accumulated charge decreases, so the saved data naturally disappears even with the power on. Therefore, DRAM needs a periodical refresh function to manage the data on it. DRAM has cells, which are like rooms that save data. Each memory cell has a transistor and a capacitor. A capacitor uses 0 and 1, the basic digital data units, based on the charges, and saves data by distinguishing these two numbers. However, over time, the capacitor’s electrons short-circuit, shortening the time that it can maintain data. To prevent this, the capacitor is periodically refreshed to refresh the data on it.
Samsung Dram
Samsung Dram