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Close-up of Earth in space with the sun in the background.

Samsung Semiconductor's transition
to renewable energy
in response to
climate change

Samsung Semiconductor's effort for the earth, transition to renewable energy

Samsung Semiconductor's effort for the earth, transition to renewable energy

Three wind turbines seen against a blue sky.
Hand reaching up toward the sky, with the sun seen between its fingers.
renewable energy use
Multiple rows of solar panels seen diagonal across a green field.
at our domestic site

Three wind turbines seen against a blue sky. Hand reaching up toward the sky, with the sun seen between its fingers.
Multiple rows of solar panels seen diagonal across a green field.
energy use at our domestic site

Green field seen against a blue sky with mountains in the background.

Samsung Semiconductor has achieved a 100% transition to renewable energy at overseas business sites by 2020, completing such transition at overseas manufacturing sites in the U.S. and China in 2019 and at all of the DS Division's overseas business sites in 2020.

We are putting all our effort
into increasing our use
of renewable energy.

Now it’s time to learn about what we’re doing to combat climate change in Korea. Just like our semiconductors, each and every one of us can help protect the planet and create a sustainable future.

Individual solar panels seen placed across a grassy field under a cloudy sky.

Samsung Semiconductor strives to expand the use of
renewable energy in line with governmental efforts to expand renewables

The Korean government’s plan to expand the use of renewable energy began with the promise that “by 2030, 21.6% of electricity will be generated from renewable energy sources.”

Explore more about Sustainability


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