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삼성의 차량용 메모리 솔루션

차세대 비즈니스와 주행 경험을 위한 신뢰할 수 있는 메모리 솔루션

  • 메일
Samsung DDR3, LPDDR4x, UFS, eMMC is laid on the automotive sketch with a pencil
Samsung DDR3, LPDDR4x, UFS, eMMC is laid on the automotive sketch with a pencil

최적의 성능으로 이끄는 첨단 메모리 삼성전자의 다양한 DRAM과 플래시 메모리 제품을 사용하면 최적화된 시스템을 구축할 수 있다. 삼성의 메모리는 뛰어난 속도와 충분한 용량을 놀라운 에너지 효율로 제공한다. 신뢰성과 컨트롤로 가동 시간 유지
Two graphs show Product development and manufacturing lifecycles with the phase including Design, Development, Evaluation, Pre-Production Manufacturing, Production. In the Automotive Industry, Semiconductor Production decreases upon Pre-Production Manufacturing, Production. In the Semiconductor Industry the Production rises upon Design, Evaluation Production phase.
Two graphs show Product development and manufacturing lifecycles with the phase including Design, Development, Evaluation, Pre-Production Manufacturing, Production. In the Automotive Industry, Semiconductor Production decreases upon Pre-Production Manufacturing, Production. In the Semiconductor Industry the Production rises upon Design, Evaluation Production phase.

향상된 커넥티드 차량을 위한 포괄적인 포트폴리오 삼성은 커넥티드 차량을 위한 다양한 제품을 제공함으로써 호환성 문제와 맞춤화에 대한 우려를 감소시켜 시장의 다양한 수요를 충족하고 자동차 제조업체가 시장 출시 시간을 단축할 수 있도록 전용 기술 지원을 제공한다. 삼성의 차량용 DRAM 메모리 삼성은 신뢰성 향상을 위해 AEC-Q100 표준을 따른다. 삼성의 차량용 DRAM 제품이 자랑하는 첨단 ECC 및 한 자릿수의 PPM은 한층 더 높아진 품질과 주행 중 안전을 제공한다. 삼성은 시장에 신뢰할 수 있는 고품질의 차량용 메모리 솔루션을 제공하기 위해 차량용 메모리 비즈니스에 적극적으로 참여하고 있다.
The table shows Supporting required automotive grade industry standards on following 4 Memory Products. 1. LPDDR4X; Type-Grade 1,2,3, Org-x32, Density-32 Gb/24 Gb/24 Gb/12 Gb/8 Gb, PKG-200 FBGA. 2. LPDDR4; Type-Grade 1,2,3, Org-x32, Density-32 Gb/24 Gb/24 Gb/12 Gb/8 Gb/4 Gb, PKG-200 FBGA. 3. DDR3; Type-Grade 2,3, Org-x16, Density-4 Gb/2 Gb/1 Gb, PKG-96 FBGA. 4. DDR2; Type-Grade 2,3, Org-x16, Density-1 Gb/512 Mb, PKG-84 FBGA.
The table shows Supporting required automotive grade industry standards on following 4 Memory Products. 1. LPDDR4X; Type-Grade 1,2,3, Org-x32, Density-32 Gb/24 Gb/24 Gb/12 Gb/8 Gb, PKG-200 FBGA. 2. LPDDR4; Type-Grade 1,2,3, Org-x32, Density-32 Gb/24 Gb/24 Gb/12 Gb/8 Gb/4 Gb, PKG-200 FBGA. 3. DDR3; Type-Grade 2,3, Org-x16, Density-4 Gb/2 Gb/1 Gb, PKG-96 FBGA. 4. DDR2; Type-Grade 2,3, Org-x16, Density-1 Gb/512 Mb, PKG-84 FBGA.
The graph shows the operational temperature range of DRAM Products; Grade 1 -40℃ to 125℃, Grade 2 -40℃ to 105℃, Grade 3 -40℃ to 95℃, Commercial 0℃ to 95℃. Meet AEC-Q100, Automotive Screening, Automotive specialized Burn-in/Test, Wide voltage range (1.35V-1.5V) for DDR3 Low Power(IDD6/2P) for DDR3. * Longevity for 3 years is based on same die.
The graph shows the operational temperature range of DRAM Products; Grade 1 -40℃ to 125℃, Grade 2 -40℃ to 105℃, Grade 3 -40℃ to 95℃, Commercial 0℃ to 95℃. Meet AEC-Q100, Automotive Screening, Automotive specialized Burn-in/Test, Wide voltage range (1.35V-1.5V) for DDR3 Low Power(IDD6/2P) for DDR3. * Longevity for 3 years is based on same die.

삼성의 차량용 플래시 메모리 삼성의 차량용 플래시 메모리는 높은 신뢰성과 광범위한 제품 및 기술 지원을 제공하여 긴 자동차 생산 라이프 사이클에 보조를 맞추고 향상된 맞춤화와 호환성을 위해 다양한 포트폴리오를 제공한다.
The table shows Supporting required automotive grade industry standards on following 2 Memory Products. 1. UFS; Type-Grade 2,3, Org-G3 x 2L, Density-256GB/128GB/64GB/32GB, PKG-153 FBGA. 2. eMMC; Type-Grade 2,3, Org-x8, Density 128GB/64GB/32GB/16GB/8GB, PKG-153 FBGA
The table shows Supporting required automotive grade industry standards on following 2 Memory Products. 1. UFS; Type-Grade 2,3, Org-G3 x 2L, Density-256GB/128GB/64GB/32GB, PKG-153 FBGA. 2. eMMC; Type-Grade 2,3, Org-x8, Density 128GB/64GB/32GB/16GB/8GB, PKG-153 FBGA
The graph shows the operational temperature range of UFS / eMMC with Longevity and Warranty; Grade 2 -40℃ to 105℃, Grade 3 -40℃ to 85℃, Commercial -25℃ to 85℃, Longevity- Automotive 10 years/Commercial 1 years, Warranty-Automotive 10 years/Commercial 1 years. Meet AEC-Q100, Automotive Screening, In-house controller and firmware, Automotive specialised Test. * Longevity for 3 years is based on same die.
The graph shows the operational temperature range of UFS / eMMC with Longevity and Warranty; Grade 2 -40℃ to 105℃, Grade 3 -40℃ to 85℃, Commercial -25℃ to 85℃, Longevity- Automotive 10 years/Commercial 1 years, Warranty-Automotive 10 years/Commercial 1 years. Meet AEC-Q100, Automotive Screening, In-house controller and firmware, Automotive specialised Test. * Longevity for 3 years is based on same die.