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Tech parts seen inside a device.

approach to

We value
in chemical

Transparency leads
Multiple rows of solar panels seen diagonal across a green field. Three wind turbines seen against a blue sky. Close-up of Earth in space with the sun in the background.
to sustainability

Multiple rows of solar panels seen diagonal across a green field. Three wind turbines seen against a blue sky.
Close-up of Earth in space with the sun in the background.
to sustainability

Five test tubes seen from the front with the fourth one seen full of a green liquid.

We value transparency
chemicals because
we value
the health of the
our employees.

Samsung Semiconductor cares deeply about the environment and the health of employees and that’s why we have strict protocols and systems when it comes to managing chemical substances, and why we work hard to minimize the negative effects of the chemicals used on-site and in our products. Our internal regulations follow global environmental guides including the EU’s RoHS
(Restriction of Hazardous Substances) directive and REACH
(Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) regulation. We also have systems in place that monitor each step involving chemical substances, from purchase to
disposal, ensuring a safe and sustainable management of the chemicals and we continuously monitor new regulatory trends, including PFAS.

Let’s take a more detailed look at what measures we have in place to ensure the chemicals we use are managed in a safe and
sustainable manner.

We help our partners
use chemicals safely.

We conduct site inspections to ensure that the working environments and conditions of our partner companies are safe.
We also provide guidance on handling procedures and control systems for regulated substances, and support improvements in local exhaust systems, chemical storage facilities, and spill prevention equipment.

The same strict
is applied
to all the
we handle

Illustrations of a microscope, a hazardous material container and a piece of paper with a checklist.

analysis lab

Analyzing 6 items
4 types of
Phthalates stated
in RoHS

Environment Chemicals
Integrated Management
System (e-CIMS)

Determining the use of
restricted chemicals
the supply chain

Eco partner

Evaluating our suppliers’
environmental standards in
their parts, raw materials
production processes

We carry out strict control and management of all the chemicals in our products by conducting rigorous preliminary inspections and handling procedures for parts and raw materials.

In addition to maintaining control through our “Standards for Control of Substances used in products”, we also take preemptive measures by setting up plans to reduce the use of substances of concern, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and allergic dyes. Our Environment Chemicals Integrated Management System (e-CIMS) helps us determine the existence of restricted substances in the parts and products of our suppliers, ensuring that our products are safe and sustainable.


We carry out periodic training for employees who handle chemical substances and regular inspections of storage and handling facilities to create an environment for the safe and sustainable management of chemicals. We also set up safety measures at facilities that handle chemicals based on environmental safety expert evaluations. Reducing the use of chemicals is another area we place importance on. And taking a step further, we continue to develop substitute substances, reduce the concentration of chemicals used and discontinue the use of chemicals whenever possible. We also continue to strengthen our chemical management capabilities on all Samsung
Semiconductor sites and work hard to minimize damage in the event of chemical-related accidents.

Aim to meet the
hightest global safety
standards for our
partner companies

To manage the safety and health risks of our partner companies, we assess our partner companies’ disaster prevention capabilities. We assess the level of disaster prevention capabilities throughout the entire process, from partner company registration to contracts and on-site visits. In the registration assessment conducted for new partner companies in 2023, all 29 companies were selected as eligible companies. The disaster prevention capabilities of existing partners were rated 78.8 points in the first half of 2023 and 77.7 points in the second half of the year. We immediately request for improvement of non-conforming items found during the assessment to our partner companies. We pledge to contribute to strengthening the safety and health capabilities of our partner companies through this assessment process.

Partner companies disaster prevention capability assessment process

For new partner companies
Registration evaluation
For all partner companies
Contract evaluation
(Disaster prevention capacity 50% ratio)
On-site evaluation
(Evaluation during work)
EHS process diagnosis

Workers at partner
companies do not
proceed if not safe

Even workers of Samsung Semiconductor’s partner companies hold the right to suspend work. The right to suspend work is a system in which workers can suspend their work, evacuate and immediately report to a supervisor if there is an imminent risk of a disaster. For the activation of the system, promotional efforts are being made for the workers of partner companies and the compensation process is also strengthened.
Also, a work suspension research group for our partner companies is organized to analyze the root cause of risks in the work environment, eliminate the risk factors on-site, thus effectively prevent accidents and also carry out on-site improvement activities for the newly-found disaster risk factors.

Caring for the health
of our partner
executives and

To prevent serious health risks from any disease, we are supporting precision examinations for employees of partner companies. In 2022, 324 executives and employees of eight partner companies received the examination, and in 2023, we expanded the target to 31 companies and completed support for 2,502 employees of suppliers.
Moreover, to ensure the health and safety of workers of partner companies, Samsung Semiconductor now runs a Health and Wellness Center for partner companies at each business site. With the first opening of the Health and Wellness Center at Samsung Electronics’ Giheung and Hwaseong sites in 2022, we expanded our support targets and scope by operating centers at Pyeongtaek and Onyang sites in 2023.

Even at this

striving to minimize
the impact of
on our
environment and
on our health

Explore more about Sustainability


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