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UFS (Universal Flash Storage)

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UFS [Universal Flash Storage] A next-generation flash memory card standard. UFS is a next-generation, ultra-fast flash memory with the ‘UFS 2.0’ interface⁠⁠—the latest internal memory standard issued by JEDEC (Joint Electron Device Engineering Council).

The structure of eMMC and LVDS communication interfaces

While the conventional eMMC (embedded Multi Media Card) parallel interface is only able to transmit data in one direction at once, UFS features a LVDS (Low-Voltage Differential Signaling) interface where there are separate and dedicated read and write paths. This allows for bidirectional communication with simultaneous reads and writes. UFS also employs the ‘Command Queue’, a speed acceleration technology found in SSDs. Command queue is a technology for simultaneous processing of multiple commands, and is used to maximize performance of internal memory cards. UFS combines the LVDS and the command queue technology to vastly improve speeds and power consumption over those of eMMC or external memory cards. UFS improves the convenience of device usage. For example, the technology offers a delay-free (no buffering) experience to users watching ultra high-definition (UHD) content on their mobile device while simultaneously handling other tasks. Samsung Electronics became the world’s first manufacturer of 128GB UFS memory in January 2015, and began mass production of 256GB UFS memory with twice the speed and capacity in February 2016. [Reference] Memory card performance comparison
[참고] 메모리카드 성능 비교
[참고] 메모리카드 성능 비교

The speeds of Samsung Electronics products are represented relative to the applicable standards.

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