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TSV (Through Silicon Via)

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TSV (Through Silicon Via) A packaging technology that replaces the conventional wires used to connect chips. DRAM chips are cut to a thickness of less than a sheet of paper and stacked. Then, each chip is punched with microscopic holes and connected by electrodes to the neighboring chips above and below. TSV is a technology where memory chips are stacked to achieve high capacity. It is characterized by substantial speed and power consumption improvements over conventional wire bonding methods used to connect chips. Samsung Electronics developed the world’s first TSV-based DRAM module in 2010. The company also announced plans for the world’s first mass production of 64GB 3D TSV-based DRAM modules for next-generation DDR4 servers.
Comparison image of existing wire bonding technology with new TSV technology
Comparison image of existing wire bonding technology with new TSV technology

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