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Mask A glass sheet on which microscopic electronic circuits are drawn. It is used in the photolithography process of semiconductor integrated circuit manufacturing. An electron beam facility is used to draw designed circuit patterns on the glass sheet to prepare a mask. The photolithography process is a step in which electronic circuits are drawn on the wafer. Millions of electronic parts in a semiconductor chip and the circuits that connect them are drawn up in the process. The mask is inserted in the facility, and light is shone through. Then, microscopic electronic circuits are drawn on top of the photoresist-coated wafer. Since semiconductor circuits are microscopic, the mask is produced larger than the wafer. The mask with the circuit pattern is visually reduced in size and the circuit pattern is imprinted on a chip. Then, the reduction is repeated to print on the entire wafer surface.
마스크 (Mask)
마스크 (Mask)

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