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Unlocking the future of 5G with Exynos

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Image with 5g on top of smartphone
Image with 5g on top of smartphone

5G, the fifth generation of cellular technology, is set to revolutionize our everyday life. From autonomous driving to IoT and VR to technology we can’t even imagine yet, 5G will open a future of new possibilities. Equipped with support for 5G NR and all legacy networks, Exynos 5G modem and diverse solutions turn the promises of 5G into reality. By transmitting data through millimeter waves and a large number of small cell stations, 5G can deliver download speeds of up to 20Gbps, which is 10x faster than 4G LTE networks.1 Latency will also be reduced significantly, from 50 milliseconds of our current networks to just 1 millisecond, allowing instant data transfer to and from mobile devices. 5G spectrums: A new wave of transformation As mobile devices are now an indispensable part of our lives, radio frequencies current networks rely on are also reaching their limits. Transmitting more data using the same frequencies means slower service and unstable connections. By opening up higher radio frequencies between 24GHz and 100GHz for connected devices, also known as mmWave, 5G will create more room within the mobile ecosystem. Expanding the radio frequency spectrum for mobile devices will allow network speed and capacity to increase significantly. 5G technologies: The road to 5G In addition to expanding radio frequencies for connected devices, 5G networks also constitutes a whole host of cutting-edge technologies that aim to enhance its accuracy and capacity. To widen coverage and stability of 5G networks, beamforming and beam steering technology controls antennas and focus signals in one direction. This also ensures that the radio frequencies can travel further with less interference. Massive MIMO, which stands for multi-input, multi-output, significantly increases the number of antennas on a radio to boost the overall capacity of the mobile networks. This will enable cellular stations to serve more users simultaneously. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, or QAM, meanwhile, enables radio waves to transmit more data at the same time, further enhancing the efficiency of 5G mobile networks. 5G benefits: The promises of 5G The arrival of 5G will revolutionize three core aspects of mobile communication – speed, reliability, and connectivity. Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) will offer exceptionally fast data speed between 100Mbps to 20Gbps per user. To put this in context, downloading a 15GB HD movie will take just six seconds on a 5G network.2 This will open new possibilities for services that require high bandwidth, such as VR and AR, as well as seamless HD streaming. 5G will also enable Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Communications (URLLC), meaning that services that require low latency and prompt responses, including autonomous vehicles and interactive gaming, will become a reality. Massive Machine-Type Communications (mMTC), which aims to create a hyper-connected environment for IoT devices, will further spur the growth of digitization in all aspects of our lives. 5G life: Life in the fast lane 5G will fundamentally reshape the role of mobile devices in our lives. Powered by enhanced network speed, AR, VR and cloud gaming will give users more freedom to embark on previously unimaginable adventures and journeys. 5G also provides a fertile ground for a new generation of digital tools that will unleash our creativity. In addition, 5G-enabled AI assistants and wearables will transform the way we approach work, health, and our everyday routines. Exynos leads the 5G future 5G has the power to unlock limitless possibilities and the Exynos Modem 5100 provides the blueprint for the next generation mobile connectivity. As Samsung’s first 5G multi-mode modem, Exynos Modem 5100 supports all major networks from sub-6GHz and mmWave spectrums to 2G, 3G, and 4G networks in a single chip. For reliable and power-efficient performance, the modem is also paired with RF and supply modulator solutions, the Exynos RF 5500 and the Exynos SM 5800 respectively. By allowing mobile devices to operate seamlessly while crossing networks from legacy mode to 5G, Exynos Modem 5100 enables mobile devices to deliver extraordinary user experiences without a hitch. Please follow the Exynos page on LinkedIn for the latest news and stories.

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