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[System LSI Tech Day 2023] Samsung Showcases Groundbreaking Logic Innovations at Inaugural Tech Day

System LSI is bringing innovating to meet the technological requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

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Industry experts say that we are living through a time of accelerated digital transformation, where generative AI and advanced semiconductors are growing to touch every facet of our lives. With this reality as a backdrop, John Yong-In Park, President of the System LSI Business at Samsung Electronics, used his keynote address at Tech Day 2023 to outline Samsung System LSI’s progress and exciting future. In a speech that emphasized Samsung’s readiness to take on this new era, Park said, “We are committed to developing technology that understands humans and pushes the boundaries of the five human senses.” A New Age That Will Change People’s Lives
Using Samsung System LSI’s keen understanding of the ongoing Fourth Industrial Revolution as a launch point, Park described the company’s wider-than-ever range of semiconductor solutions, which includes processors, connectivity solutions, image sensors, display ICs, security solutions, and power management ICs (PMICs). This extensive range highlights how Samsung has positioned itself as a company that makes semiconductors for all uses while developing and producing them for customers as platforms. With these offerings on hand, Samsung System LSI is unwaveringly pursuing its mission to transform the semiconductor experience for people all over the world. Hyper-Intelligence: Optimized SoC for Advanced Intelligence
In the first area that Park described as a cornerstone in Samsung System LSI’s mission, the company is optimizing its SoC with a combination of key IPs. Samsung is improving the performance of each IP to reach maximum processor performance by considering the balance between IPs. For example, their latest flagship mobile processor, Exynos 2400, has achieved performance 70% higher than its predecessor, which was released two years prior. The Exynos 2400’s AI performance based on NPU has seen performance improve 14.7 times over the past two years. Park described this increase in performance as “staggering.” Additionally, System LSI has highlighted remarkable GPU performance, which includes upgraded hardware ray tracing for mobile devices with its Xclipse GPU. The result is much more realistic graphics for mobile users. With this level of optimization on its processors, Samsung System LSI is realizing harmony of its computational IPs and taking major steps toward a future defined by AI. Hyper-Connected: Connectivity Anywhere, Anytime
For any of the bigger technological aims of AI to take place, connectivity and communication between devices are a must. Park addressed connectivity in his keynote speech by announcing that Samsung plans to expand communication technologies to space in order to eliminate areas not covered by terrestrial networks. Furthermore, the company will review the possibility of space communication to further improve connectivity. Samsung is also researching solutions that use next generation Wi-Fi and ultra-wideband standards to improve information transmission and location accuracy. Hyper-Data: Replicating the Five Senses
Each of the five human senses process an extraordinary amount of data, and to realize the System LSI humanoid, Samsung needs to accurately replicate the mechanisms through which the human senses process a person’s environment. To do this, Samsung strives to recreate the five human senses by sensing data and incorporating that data into real-time decision-making. This will be achieved by innovating visual image sensors, display ICs, and related technologies such as sensor modules and image post-processing technology. For instance, Samsung’s new ISOCELL Zoom Anyplace camera feature is an example of this advanced technology. With this feature, users will be able to zoom in on any spot in a frame and track a subject without moving the camera. Apart from current solutions, Park also discussed what Samsung is working on for the near future such as sensors for invisible things. Fundamental Technologies: Power Efficiency & Security for the System LSI Humanoid
With all the different connections and communication happening between devices in a humanoid future, security is paramount. Samsung System LSI views security as a top priority and is gradually expanding its application scope from mobile/automotive-oriented PMICs to be more data center-oriented. The company is also reinforcing its security solutions through fingerprint authentication. In fact, a lot of progress has already been made in this regard, as Samsung System LSI received the Best Innovation Award for its Biometric Card at CES 2023. This award-winning solution will ensure security while changing the purchasing process. Ambitious Plans for the Future
Samsung System LSI has made great strides its mission toward an intelligent System LSI Humanoid future and will continue to do so through strong innovation and key partnerships. As Park says, “Under the vision of ‘Leading Hyper-Intelligence, Hyper-Connected, and Hyper-Data Technologies,’ we are committed to fulfilling our mission to make semiconductors that help people and save lives.”

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