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Samsung Electronics opens environmental safety education facility for partners

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The “Samsung Electronics DS Division Partners’ Environmental Safety Academy” (hereinafter the “Environmental Safety Academy’”) opened its doors in Giheung-gu of Yongin city on the 10th. The facility aims to enhance the environmental safety capacity of Samsung’s semiconductor-related partners. The environmental safety academy occupies five stories in a building near Samsung’s Giheung/Hwaseong complex, and will provide systematic, high-quality educational programs to Samsung partners. The facility comprises a lecture hall, VR experience hall, musculoskeletal health center, and a lounge, offering both lecture-based and experiential learning opportunities. The Environmental Safety Academy will not only provide safety courses mandated by the law, but also a number of job training and certification programs and a 4-phase competency-building curriculum. Other offerings include CEO seminars and stress management and mental health programs. Together, these programs and courses are expected to make a substantial contribution to boosting partner capacities and improving safety awareness. The facility will be made available to some 140,000 executives and staff at upwards of 2,300 primary, secondary, and tertiary partners of Samsung Electronics, and aims to educate 200,000 people annually. Vice President Park Chan-Hoon of the Samsung Electronics DS Division’s Giheung/Hwaseong/Pyeongtaek complexes stressed that “implementing an advanced environmental safety system calls for a transition to a human-centered safety management paradigm,” adding that, “the opening of the Environmental Safety Academy is hoped to serve as an opportunity to innovate the safety awareness of all semiconductor industry players.”
Samsung Electronics DS Division Supplier Environmental Safety Academy Opening Ceremony
Samsung Electronics DS Division Supplier Environmental Safety Academy Opening Ceremony

▲ Guests applaud as the signboard is unveiled at the “Samsung Electronics DS Division Partners’ Environmental Safety Academy” opening ceremony on the 10th. Director Kim Young Ho of the Gyeonggi Regional Office of the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (second from right), Daeduck Electronics CEO and Samsung Partners Association chairman Kim Yong Jae (third from right), Vice President Park Chan-Hoon of the Samsung Electronics DS Division’s Giheung/Hwaseong/Pyeongtaek complexes (third from left).

Samsung Electronics DS Division Partner Environment Safety Academy VR (Virtual Reality) Program Experience
Samsung Electronics DS Division Partner Environment Safety Academy VR (Virtual Reality) Program Experience

▲ Employees from Samsung partners experiencing a VR (virtual reality) program at the “Samsung Electronics DS Division Partners’ Environmental Safety Academy” opening ceremony on the 10th.

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