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Youth learn about circuits at Samsung’s booth at UT Austin’s STEM Girl Day

More than 50 volunteers with our Women in Technology at Samsung (WITS) employee resource group helped students explore with snap circuits, get dressed up in cleanroom bunny suits and build structures.

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Engineer Khushi Shah helping a child with a circuit
Engineer Khushi Shah helping a child with a circuit
Engineer Khushi Shah helping a child with a circuit.
More than 10,000 kids participated in STEM Girl Day at UT Austin on Saturday, Feb. 24. In the Samsung Austin Semiconductor room, students learned about circuits and how they relate to semiconductor manufacturing. More than 50 volunteers with our Women in Technology at Samsung (WITS) employee resource group helped students explore with snap circuits, get dressed up in cleanroom bunny suits and build structures.
Elianne Gonzalez helping a student with a circuit design.
Elianne Gonzalez helping a student with a circuit design.
Elianne Gonzalez helping a student with a circuit design.
WITS vice-chair Elianne Gonzalez says these events are a great way to expose children to STEM. "It shows kids this is something they can do when they grow up," Gonzalez explains. "It encourages their curiosity and that's one of the best ways to get kids interested in STEM." Ivonne V. brought her 11-year-old daughter and when she saw one of our employees with a cleanroom suit on, she had to come to the Samsung Austin Semiconductor space. “We came to explore and give my daughter an opportunity to see what engineering and STEM is about. Just to be able to do the experiments… Samsung was a highlight.” While it was fun to dress up in the cleanroom suit, the 11-year-old exclaimed, “It was really, really hot.”
Samsung Austin Semiconductor director Zac Rosenbaum with his children and colleagues.
Samsung Austin Semiconductor director Zac Rosenbaum with his children and colleagues.
One of our directors, Zac Rosenbaum, pictured above, made it a family field trip to support this great event held during National Engineers Week. His toddler even managed to fit into a cleanroom suit! A highlight for many of the volunteers is seeing how the children light up when they’re able to complete a snap circuit or create a circuit using only a pencil, 9-volt battery and an LED diode. “I think the coolest part is watching them do a simple project and when you ask them what they want to do next, they say ‘I want to do another and something more complex.’ It’s awesome to see how they challenge themselves,” adds Gonzalez. Samsung Austin Semiconductor is proud to be a sponsor of this great event! The next STEM Girl Day at UT Austin is scheduled for Feb. 22, 2025.
Parent helping a child build a circuit.
Parent helping a child build a circuit.
Children building structures.
Children building structures.
Samsung Austin Semiconductor employee helping a student with circuits.
Samsung Austin Semiconductor employee helping a student with circuits.
Samsung Austin Semiconductor employee helping a student create a circuit.
Samsung Austin Semiconductor employee helping a student create a circuit.
Samsung Austin Semiconductor employees posting with students dressed up in cleanroom suits.
Samsung Austin Semiconductor employees posting with students dressed up in cleanroom suits.