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Skillpoint Alliance upgrades Certified Production Technician manufacturing lab

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As more manufacturing companies, such as Samsung Austin Semiconductor, seek to hire more skilled workers, Skillpoint Alliance is working to fulfill that workforce with programs like its Certified Production Technician (CPT) . Skillpoint Alliance, which is one of our strategic partners, started its CPT program in March 2020 with the assistance of Samsung Austin Semiconductor and a grant through the Texas Talent Connection. When the pandemic struck a few weeks into their first class, the organization pivoted and turned to virtual learning. Fast forward three years later, they've trained 120 students, who have gone on to jobs with our company or elsewhere in the manufacturing industry. To further improve the students' learning experience, Skillpoint Alliance recently upgraded its CPT classroom with items such as 3D printers, a Skill Boss and more. Skillpoint Alliance's program manager and electrical instructor, Matthew Singer, helped transform a storage space into the new lab.
"We tried to develop a space where students can get hands-on learning immediately," explained Singer. "We try to grow them from something as simple as a 3D printer and then have them go through the manufacturing process and develop their skills to the point where they can be employable in the industry." Prior to the renovation, Singer said the school didn't have enough equipment to teach large class sizes but now each student has a dedicated machine. "Every student, immediately when they walk into the classroom, they can start learning by producing something. The Samsung Austin Semiconductor grant allowed us to invest in that and make sure every student has well-rounded learning through the program," Singer said.
Skillpoint Alliance student Lorina Ramirez, left, and Samsung Austin Semiconductor's Jannifer Sabrsula Lorina Ramirez started the program at the beginning of the year and is excited about her prospects. "The program helps us in so many ways. Learning on the machines and from the instructors has expanded my view of the manufacturing industry," Ramirez said. "The program will make a big difference in my life." While this program gives students the necessary skills to start a career with a company like ours, Singer believes it does more than that. "This program teaches you to invest in yourself. I've always found out that if you invest in yourself, other people will then turn around and invest in you. This program allows us to take that first step, fulfill that self investment and align them with people who will mentor them throughout their career."